University Presidents Tackle the Future of College Football

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The Economics of College Sport

Andrew Zimbalist, Robert A. Woods Professor of Economics, Smith College; President-Elect, The Drake Group; author of Unpaid Professionals: Commercialism and Conflict in Big-time College Sports (1999), The Economics of Sport, I & II (2001), Unwinding Madness: What Went Wrong with College Sports and How to Fix It (2017) with Gerry Gurney and Donna Lopiano, and Whither College Sports (2021), explains the economics of … Read more

College Sports — Unwinding Madness

Extensively based on their work as members of The Drake Group, Gerald Gurney, Donna Lopiano and Andy Zimbalist present a cogent summary of the history, issues, and Drake recommended solutions to unwind the corrupting influences of highly commercialized college sports.  From academic fraud, lavish expenditures inappropriate for non-profit institutions of higher education, the exploitation of … Read more

College Athletes Pay for Medical Bills

Ramogi Huma, President of the National Collegiate Players Association reveals that all coaches promise their recruits that all medical expenses will be covered but do not include any written promise to do so.

Athletic Fees Add to Student Debt – No Transparency

Karl Idsvoog examined whether University billing records for tuition and fees showed how much students were paying to support the athletic program and found that students and parents don’t know the highest fee the student pays goes to fund athletics because it is so hard to find on most college and university web sites. Some … Read more