The Drake Group Raises Concerns Regarding July 1, 2020 U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on College Athlete NILs Compensation

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The Drake Group Raises Concerns Regarding July 1, 2020 U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on College Athlete NILs Compensation

The Drake Group believes that several specific issues raised during the July 1, 2020, U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on “Exploring a Compensation Framework for Intercollegiate Athletics” are misleading to both members of Congress and the general public.

Three serious concerns regarding testimony pertaining to NIL compensation were detailed:
  1. Claims that NIL laws would perpetuate gender inequities and weaken Title IX are inaccurate.
  2. Higher education representatives on the panel misrepresented the graduation rates of college athletes.
  3. Claims that athlete NIL rights would exacerbate recruiting advantages of large market institutions are exaggerated and misleading.